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We are off to Newfoundland so tag-along with us.

Visiting cousins at camp

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Carson and Linda
Today we are going to my cousins camp to visit for the afternoon.  We were treating everyone to a nice steak dinner so we had to go grocery shopping.  Their campground is a seasonal park and you know everyone.   
The word was out that Linda and Carson were having company from Ontario. We asked directions but of course we got them messed up and had to circle around again.  We thought we could sneak by the person who gaves us the directions so he wouldn’t know how brain dead we are, but oh no, he caught us and lead us to their camp.  
We had an awesome day playing horseshoes, even though Doug and I haven’t played for a long time.  Washers is the same idea but tossing a washer and a horseshoe are two completely different things.  Doug thought that perhaps the horse was still attached to his shoes as he had a hard time reaching the pit.  Linda and I came in 3rd of about 8 teams, not bad for not playing for so many years.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone and hearing a few tunes on the squeezebox. The Newfoundlanders are so genuine and make you feel so welcome.  What a great day.

Don't Be a Stranger!

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