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We are off to Newfoundland so tag-along with us.

Saying Goodbye to Amanda

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Amanda is sad her vacation has come to an end, but she is looking forward to seeing Mike.  She has had a great vacation and definitely intends to come back, and bring Mike with her.  Amanda's plane does not leave until 8:00 tonight so we have time to introduce her to a few more relatives, and hopefully get her back out to Cape Spear. Both times we took her to Cape Spear last week it was foggy and she didn't see anything but fog.  
Fog on Amanda's day
Amanda wanted to get some pictures printed before she left the island so she would be able to show her friends on the weekend.  There is a Dominion Store in Long Pond that does one hour processing which is perfect, we can do some visiting while they are getting printed.  When your on vacation you lose all track of time.  We realized it was lunch time, not a good time to stop into see Delilah who works at the Yacht club and would be serving lunch.  Lunch, oh yeah wouldn't some Toutons go good right about now.  Thank goodness for cell phones and Mr. Google.  There just happens to be a cafe up the road that serves Toutons.  There are 2 Toutons in an order. Oh my, they are so darn good.  I'm drooling just typing this!  We gobble up our Toutons and then stop into see Lynn.  Carson is working so Amanda will not get to meet him until she comes back with Mike.  We walked back to the Manuels river and showed Amanda and Doug the old swimming hole. 
We had a great visit with Lynn.  We said our goodbyes to Lynn and promised not to wait another 42 years to return. By now it was 2:30 and hopefully would be a good time to stop in and see Delilah at work.  She was so happy that we stopped in, she was happy to meet Amanda, if only for a short time.  We had a quick little visit, we didn't want to interrupt her work too long.  Again we said our goodbyes and promised to return.  One more stop before we head to Cape Spear and that was to say goodbye to Delilah's husband Cecil.  He was the most gentle man and reminded me very much of my father.  Cecil has pinched nerves in his back, and can barely walk, he is in a great deal of pain, waiting patiently for surgery in November.  We just couldn't leave without saying goodbye to him.   It was very sad saying goodbye to my relatives that I had not seen for so many years. Amanda was so happy that she was able to meet some more of her Newfoundland relatives.  Hopefully, we will be able to bring the whole family back again in a few years.  It was so great re-connecting with them again after 42 years.  Off we go Cape Spear to see if the weather is going co-operate with us this time.  Finally, we can see the lighthouse!  

And can you believe it, there are whales there to say goodbye to us as well.  What a perfect ending to Amanda's vacation.
Don't Be a Stranger!

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